Abstract:Aim: To study the morphological and quatitative change of elastic fiber in different stages of atherosclerotic lesions.Methods: The normal intima, fatty streaks and fibrous plaques, from 17 abdominal aortae of young men of nom-cardiovascular sudden death were observed with electrolic microscope.Results: The elastlc flber in normal intima appeared to be cord-like, while the e1astic fiber in the fatty streaks and fibrous plaques appeared to be patch-like.The content of elastic fiber was highest ln the fatty streaks, the lowest in the fibrous plaques. The elastic fiber content of normal intima was between the fatty streaks and fibrous plaques. The differences of elastic fiber content among three groups were statistically significant (P<0. 01 ).Conclusion: With the developement of atherosclerosls, the elastlc fiber has not only morphological changes but also content change. This indicate that the elastic fiber plays a very irnportant role in the formation and developement of atherosclerosis.