Mitochondrial DNA differs from chromosomal DNA by its endosymbiotic characteristics of being a foreigner to protoeukaryotic cells circular intronless and multitronics. When mtDNA is recognized as a transgene humankind becomes a trans-genie species occurred naturally under strict definition of transgenic technology. With transgenic human assay we are able to study the biological effect of mtDNA-original homologues in the genome of modem eukaryotic cells. This new discipline is termed Mitochromics. Mitochromic analysis allows the assembling of an ancient mtDNA using eight nuclear mtDNA analogues which has an overall consensus rate of 94% with NC-001806. We believe that this assembled ancient mtDNA sequence will have enormous application in evolution and biomedical studies.
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LI Kai, ZHANG Jia, LIAO Duan-Fang,,CHEN Lin-Ling. Mitochromics and Transgenic Human Assay[J]. Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis,2003,11(7):601-602.