• Volume 1,Issue 1,1993 Table of Contents
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    • >论著
    • The Primary Report of p53 Gene Mutation in Human Atherosclerosis

      1993, 1(1):1-3.

      Abstract (1486) HTML (0) PDF 2.56 M (1227) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:DNA was extracted from aldehydride fixed human atherosclerotic plaques. By the method of PCR, P53 gene fragments were amplified. Cloning these fragments into SK vector and sequencing them, we found that p53 gene T~(272) changed into C~(272). Immunohistochemistry showed that in plaques,the mutatant protein expressed. These results indicated that p53 gene mutation may be related with cell proliferation of atherosclerosis.

    • An Oligomer Complementary To C-myc-encoded mRNA Inhibits Proliferation of Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells And Production of myc Protein

      1993, 1(1):4-8.

      Abstract (1547) HTML (0) PDF 3.99 M (966) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:When antisense myc oligodeoxynucleotide (ODNs) (18-mer) were introduced into the medium of the smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of WKY in concentrations ranging from 6 to 12 uM,the 18-met ODNs,in a concentration-related manner,decreased SMCs growth induced by endothelin (10~(-7)mol/L). The inhibitory effect (12umol/L) was about 43% in 12h, 33% in 24h and 27% in 36h. Sense ODNs had little effect. Meanwhile, the anti c-myc had inhibitory effect on production of Myc protein of the SMCs. Our results demonstrate that an antisense ODNs directed at the messenger RNA of myc decreases the expression of myc gone product and reduces SMCs proliferation induced by endothelin.

    • A Study On Smooth Muscle Cell—derived Chemotactic Factor

      1993, 1(1):9-12.

      Abstract (1341) HTML (0) PDF 3.53 M (1043) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The medium conditioned by cultured rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC—CM) was used as the source of chemotacic factor. Its chemotactic activity for smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and NIH 3T3 fibroblasts were examined by mieroporous filter assay. The results showedthat the SMC—CM was chemotactic for SMCs but not for NIH3T3 fibroblasts,and the effects of SMC—CM on SMC migration were considered to be chemotacic rather than chemokinetic in nature.

    • Release of Endothelin After Ballooning of Rats' Thoracic aortae

      1993, 1(1):13-19.

      Abstract (1385) HTML (0) PDF 5.26 M (1021) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the model of endodenudation of the rats' thoracic aortae, the interaction of endotheliurn regrowth and intimal hyperplasis with release of endothelin was studied. The results indicated that endothelin was detected in the incubating media of rats' vessels with or without endotholium after procedure, but not in those without endotheiium in sham control. In preparations with endothelium or those without it, thrombin (4u/ml) stimulated the release of the peptide after endodenudation. Thus, we concluded that the increase of non—endothelium derired endothelin release is the major course of increased endothelin release after ballooning of rats' thoracic aortae.

    • Effect of Acetyl Imidazol Modification on Binding of HDL_3 to Human SMMC—7721 Hepatocarcinoma Cells

      1993, 1(1):20-23.

      Abstract (1228) HTML (0) PDF 3.55 M (1122) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Our privious study proved that there were high affinity HDL_3—binding sites (HDL receptor) on the membrane of human SMMC—7721 hepatoeareinoma cells and the bindings of FITC-labelled Apo E—free HDL_3 (FITC—HDL_3) and native HDL_3 to the cells were competitive. This paper showed that modification of HDL_3 by aeetyl imidazol decreased its competitive binding to the cells. This inhibition was dose—dependent with the maximum inhibition at 1 mol/L of aeetyl imidazol. Our results suggest that tyrosin residue in HDL is present in the HDL binding recognition site and takes part in the binding to its receptor.

    • Immunogenetic Phenotype of Apolipoprotein B and Hyperlipdemia

      1993, 1(1):24-29.

      Abstract (1814) HTML (0) PDF 4.98 M (1277) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A monoclonal antibody against human apolipoprotein B (apoB),B5,was used to test the immunnoreactivities of apo B in unrelated individuals. We found that the apo B in each person exhibited one of the three binding patterns: high,intermediate,or low affinity. Genetic investigation showed that these binnding patterns might result from co-dominant transmission of a pair of apo B alleles (B5~+/B5~-). The frequency of gene B5~+ was 0.593 and B5~-was 0.407. We also found that the frequency of B5~+/B5~+ homozygotes in the hypercholesterolemic patient group was significantly lower than that in healthy subject group. The serum levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)—cholesterol, and VLDL—triglyeerides in B5~+/B5~+ homozygotes were significantly lower than those in B5~-/B5~-in the group of healthy subject. It is suggested that allele B5~+ might be associated with lower serum concentrations of lipids, especially the concentration of cholesterol.

    • Injury to Macrophage by Oxidatively Modified Low Density Lipoproterin May Play an Important Role in Foam Cell Formation

      1993, 1(1):30-35.

      Abstract (1380) HTML (0) PDF 5.00 M (1133) Comment (0) Favorites


    • >论著
    • Effects of Smooth Muscle Cell—derived Growth Factors on the DNA Synthesis of NIH 3T3 Fibroblasts

      1993, 1(1):36-39.

      Abstract (1309) HTML (0) PDF 2.97 M (914) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Migration of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) into subendothelial space and their proliferation were key events in the atherogenesis, and were influenced by a variety of factors including PDGF, FGF, IGF, EGF,etc. It was known that SMCs could synthesize and secrete growth factors in a paracrine and autocrine manner. The SMCs conditioned medium (SMCs—CM) and the SMCs—sonicate (SMCs—son) were used as the source of growth factors,and their influence on the DNA synthesis of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts by ~3H—Thymidine incorporation. The resuits showed that SMCs—CM and SMCs—son both promoted the DNA synthesis of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. These date suggest that growth factors synthesized by SMCs could be partly secreted out cells,among which some could bind with the receptors on SMC memberane,and the rest remained within the cells,stimulating the cells' prolifeartion.

    • Synergism of mm-LDL and M-CSF on the Accumulation of Cholesteryl Ester in Aortic Cells

      1993, 1(1):40-45.

      Abstract (1354) HTML (0) PDF 4.70 M (1018) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The accumulation of cholesteryl ester in mouse peritoneal macrophages and in bovine aortic smooth muscle cells by adding the mildly modified LDL (mm-LDL) was greatly enhancedwhen these cells were preincubated with monocyte colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF),indicating the synergism of mm-LDL and M-CSF on the lipid accumulation in cells. We also found that M-CSF increased the oxidative capability of cultured macrophages. This might be one of the mechanisms of synergism of mm-LDL and M-CSF.

    • Oxidative Modification of Very Low Density Lipoprotein and its Effects on Monocyte Adherence to endothelial Cells

      1993, 1(1):46-50.

      Abstract (1274) HTML (0) PDF 3.75 M (1061) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:VLDL (200μg Protein/ml)was incubated with MΦ for 24 and 48 hours. The TBARS in VLDL after incubation for 24 and 48 hrs were 10.04±0.77 and 11.25±0.53nmol/mg protein respectively, which were much higher than that of controls (4.60±0.56,7.95±0.66 respectively). The MΦ modified VLDL migrated faster than the controls on agarose electrophoregram. In conclusion, VLDL could be oxidatively modified by MΦ in vitro. It suggests VLDL might be oxidited in Vivo. VLDL is also susceptible to oxidative modification by Cu2+ in vitro resulting in an increase in electrophoretie mobility and TBARS in the lipoprotein. Cu2+—Ox—VLDL had the potential ability to increase MC adherence to EC. The effects were concentration dependent. The percentage of MC adherence in n—VLDL group was much less than that in Ox—VLDL group (p<0.001). It suggests that Ox—VLDL plays an important role in MC adherence to EC.

    • The Methodological Study on the Quantitative Analysis of Artery Endothelial Injury by ~3H—TdR Incorproation

      1993, 1(1):51-54.

      Abstract (1146) HTML (0) PDF 3.15 M (1033) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A special technique for "en face" artery endothelium preparation is intioduced, with which the nucleus labelled by ~3H—TdR can be seen with light microscopy. The endothelial regeneration canbe quantitatively analysed by calculating the labelling rate of endothelial ceils. The endothelial injury in quails with hypercholesterolemia was studied by this method. The more injury, the more cell regeneration. It is obvious that this method can be used in the study of any kind of endothelial injury.

    • Quantification of Human Serum Apolipoprotein E by ELISA Using Anti—apo E Monoclonal Antibodies

      1993, 1(1):55-60.

      Abstract (1304) HTML (0) PDF 3.76 M (1033) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Monoclonal antibodies agaist human apolipoprotein E were prepared. Double McAbs Sandwich ELISA has been developed to quantitate apoE concentration in human serum. This paper presents the details of analytic procedure, and the evaluation of its specificity, precison, accuracy and sensitivity. The McAbs reacted specifically with apoE, no cross reaction with apoA Ⅰ、A Ⅱ, B, C Ⅰ , C Ⅱ , C Ⅲ was observed. The assay could detect 10ng of apoE, average recovery was 101.6%, the cofficients of variation of the intra—assay and inter—assay were 5.9% and 8.1%, respectively. The assay was used to quantitate apoE levels in normol persons and patients.

    • Clinical Significance of Measuring of Serum Lipids, Lipoproteins and Apolipoproteins in Cornary Heart Disease

      1993, 1(1):64-66.

      Abstract (1376) HTML (0) PDF 2.50 M (909) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Plasma concentrations of apoproteins A and B were investigated in forty—eight patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and thirty—six health control subjects, in the meantime. serum triglyceride(TG). total Cholesterol (TC), HDL—C were also investgated. The results showed that plasma concentrations of apoA in CHD group were markedly lower than that in control group (p<0.01), apoB/apoA ratioes in CHD were significantly higher that in controls. (p<0.05). Serum concentrations of TG were markedly higher in CHD than that in normal group (p<0.01). No significant differences existed between CHD and normal group in plasma concentrations of apoB and TC. The decrease of plasma apoA level was the best parameter to distinguish CHD from non-CHD.

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