• Volume 4,Issue 2,1996 Table of Contents
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    • >论著
    • The Distributions and Sequencing of Apo B Gene 3'-Variable Number of Tandemly Repeat Alleles in Chinese Han and Mongolian Nationalities

      1996, 4(2):93-99.

      Abstract (1108) HTML (0) PDF 5.62 M (1039) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper,the allelic distributions of apo B gene 3'-variable number of tandemly repeat(VNTR)in Chinese Han and Mongolian nationalities were alalyzed by PCR techniqe. The nucleotide acids of HVE34 and HVE46 were sequencied by automatic Ma chine AB1373A Model.The results showed that 14 al leles in the samples of 300 Han individuals(164 cases of patients with coronary heart disease and 134 normal matched subjects) and 12 alleles in the samples of 61 Mongolian individuals. In Han nationalit y group,the most common allele is a repeat unit allele (HVE36),occupied 31% of the total alleles. HVE34 and HVE32 are 24%and 22%respectively. In comparison with Han nationality,the most common allele in Mongolian nationality group is HVE34,occupied 35.2%. HVE36and HVE32 are 28.7%and 13.9%respectively.Futhermore,we also found that the alleles of homozygote(80%)in Mongolian group are much higher than that(52%)of Han nationality group. No alleles less than HVE30 was found in the Mongolian group. The amplication products of homozygotes of HVE 34 and HVE46 alleles were directly aequenced. It was found that the 3' hypervariable region apo B gene consists primarily of a 15 bp basic repeat unit called X and Y sequence and tandemly repeat in an X-Y Order. The ATrich region also contains variants of X and Y sequences resulted from C or G for A substitution. The length of different alleles was ditermined by the numbers of X and Y copies. The HVE polymorphism of apo B gene not only resides in the variable numbers of repeat units,but also resides in the variation in the oligonucleotide sequence within the repeat units as well as the variation in the arrangement of the repeat.

    • The Effects of Native and Oxidized Very Low Density Lipoprotein on intracellular Free Calcium Concentration in Macrophages

      1996, 4(2):100-103.

      Abstract (1116) HTML (0) PDF 3.28 M (868) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aim To well understand the mechanism of native and oxidized very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and OVLDL) in the atherogenesis, we investigated the influences of VLDL and OVLDL on intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i).Methods Very low density lipoprotein was isolated from normal blood donors by density gradient ultracentrifugation, and oxidized by CuCI2 with a final concentration of 10 μmol/L. Rabbit peritoneal exudate macrophages were collected. For determination of [Ca2+]i , fura-2 fluorescence and microfluorimetry were used.Results Both VLDL and OVLDL significantly increased [Ca2+]i in macrophages. VLDL induced an increase of 57% in [Ca2+]i , where as OVLDL induced an increase of 115% in [Ca2+]i.Conclusions It suggests that VLDL and OVLDL induce many biological functions by stimulating increase of [Ca2+]i in macrophages, but the latter are more stronger than the former. This corresponds to the fact that OVLDL induces stronger biological functions including migration and secreting cytokines.

    • Insulin Resistance is Associated with Lipid and Apolipoprotein Abnormalities in Endogenous Hypertriglyceridemia

      1996, 4(2):104-107.

      Abstract (1215) HTML (0) PDF 3.41 M (917) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aim To understand whether abnormality of lipoprotein in endogenous hypertriglyceridemia (HTG) is associated with insulin resistance, we studied oral glucose tolerance test, insulin secretion, plasma triglyceride (TG) , total cholesterol (TC) , high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) ,low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC) , apolipoprotein (apo) A Ⅰ ,A Ⅱ ,B100, CⅢ,C Ⅲ and E levels in 53 endogenous HTG patients whose plasma TG levels were ≥2. 26 mmol/L, TC<6. 21mmol/L, and in 33 normal subjects whose plasma lipid levels were normal (TG<2. 26 mmol/L, TC<6. 21mmol/L ).Methods Oral glucose tolerance test and insulin release test were performed by routine methods. Plasma glucose and lipids were determined by enzyme method.Plasma apolipoproteins and insulin were determined respectively by radial immunodiffusion (RID) assay and radio-immunoassay (RIA). Insulin resistance and β-cell function were analysised according to patient's fasting plasma insulin and glucose concentration by Mathews's method.Results The results indicated that the fasting plas ma TG, apo C Ⅱ, CⅢ and E levels were significantlyhigher and HDLC level was lower in the endogenous HTG group than those in the control group (P<0.01). The fasting plasma insulin and glucose levels were normal , but the plasma glucose and insulin levels after glucose loading were increased (P<0.05) and the plasma glucose level at 120 minutes after oral glucose was>7. 22 mmol/L , and the plasma insulin level at 180 minutes after oral glucase was much higher than that in the fasting state (P< 0. 001 ) in the endogenous HTG,while the plasma glucose, the plasma insulin area , the ratio of insulin area to glucose area and the insulin resistance were also increatal in the endogenous HTG group (PM0. 05 ) .Conclusions The results above suggest that the glucose intolerance, the insulin resistance and the hyperinsulinemia existed in the endogenous HTG.

    • Effects of Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Inhibitor on the Metabolism of Low Density Lipoprotein and Lipoprotein(a)

      1996, 4(2):108-111.

      Abstract (1233) HTML (0) PDF 3.45 M (1165) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aim We used hdgehogs to study the effects of low density lipoprotein-receptor inhibitor on the metabolism of low density lipoprotein and lipoprotein(a)with 125iodine.Methods Low density lipoprotein receptor inhibitor,Lactoferrin and receptor associated protein were used to inject into the body of hedgehogs via the armpit vein 2minites before the 125 iodine low density lipoprotein or 125 iodine lipoprotein (a) were injected.The animals were put to death in 6 h,The radioactivity in the blood,liver,kidney,spleen,gall and adrenal were measured;Results Experiments showed that the low density lipoprotein receptor were inhibited by lactoferrin and receptor associated protein。 The concentration of low density lipoprotein were decreased over 11.7%~86.7%in respectively compared with control group. However, the takeup of lipoprotein (a) in organs had not been inhibit ed,on the contrary it increases the takeup of lipoprotein (a) by the lactoferrin and receptor associated protein.The value of increasing was about 40%~120%。ConclusionsThe results indicated that lipoprotein (a)lose the capability to bind low density lipoprotein receptor since the configuration of lipoprotein (a) was changed in binding apolipoprotein(a)with apolipoprotein B100 although the construction and composition were similar with low density lipoprotein that they all contain the apolipoprotein B 100.It was inferred that lactoferrin and receptor associated ated protein could activite other mechanism on the cell membrane and favoured the lipoprotein(a)into the cells.

    • The Effect Of Human Aortic Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan on the Expression of c-fos and c-myc Gene in the Cultured Fetal Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells

      1996, 4(2):112-114.

      Abstract (1002) HTML (0) PDF 2.09 M (1077) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Our laboratory have found that human aortic heparan sulfate proteoglycan(HSPG) can suppress the proliferation of cultured fetal aortic smooth muscle cells(hASMC).In this study Norther blot was used to invetigate the effect of HSPG on the expression of c-fos and c-myc proto-oncogene in hASMC. The results showed that former can suppress both c-fos and c-myc gene. It is concluded that suppression of protooncogene expression may be one of the causes that HSPG suppresses smooth muscle cell proliferation.

    • Effect of Desialylated Acid on Metabolism of Low Density Lipoprotein and Lipoprotein(a)

      1996, 4(2):115-118.

      Abstract (1330) HTML (0) PDF 3.67 M (931) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aim We used hedgehogs to study the effects of sialic acid in the structure of low density lipoprotein (LDL)and lipoprotein (a)[Lp(a)] on the metabolism of the LDL and Lp(a) with 125 iodine. Methods The end sialic acid on the stucture of LDL and lipoprotein (a) were removd with the treatment of neuraminidase.The desialylated lipoprotein (a) (ds-Lp (a), desialylated low density lipoprotein (ds-LDL),LDL and Lp (a)were marked with 125 iodine tyramine cellobiose. They were injected into the body of the hedge hogs via the armpil vein. The animals were put to death in 3 h and 6 h.The concentration of radioactivity in the blood, liver, spleen,kidney and gall were measured. The change of metabolism of ds-LDL and ds-Lp (a) were analyzed and compared with that of norma LDL and Lp (a). Results The experiments showed that the rate of the metabolism of ds-LDL in 3 h is 7.6% lower than that of LDL,and the rate of the metabolism of ds-LDL in 6 h is 12.23% higher than that of LDL. On the contrary the concentrations of ds-Lp (a) in all the organs reduced by 2 times and 3.85 times to the concentrations of Lp (a)in 3h and 6h respectively,LDL and ds-LDL canbe swallowed by the spleen cells and stored. Although Lp (a) can alsO be swallowed by the spleen cells,ds-LP (a) had a little to enter the spleen cells. Even so it can be removed quickly.Conclusions Experiments proved that sialic acid plays a very important role in the metabolism of Lp (a)and remaining stable of the structure of Lp (a).

    • Effect of Insulin on the Proliferation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and the Expression of Proto-oncogene c-fos and c-myc

      1996, 4(2):119-121.

      Abstract (1256) HTML (0) PDF 2.58 M (983) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aim This study is to investigate wether insulin may stimulate the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and the expression of proto-oncogene c-fos and c-myc in the DMEM which had different concentration insulin.Methods The human umbilical arterial smooth muscle cells were incubates with the DMEM which had different concentration insulin,(0,10,100,1000,10000μg/l).We ued trypan blue staining to count the cells and cultured the thind SMC with H-thymidine,then determined the DNA in a liquid-scintillation.c-fos、c-myc mRNA levels were measured by Northern hybridization.The results were showed by tables.Results The data (Table1,2.3 and 4)Showed the cell number, DNA syhthesis,c-fos mRNA and c-myc mRNA all increased with insulin concentration. There is dose-dependent relationship.Conclusion The results provide that insulin can stimulate the proliferation of vasecular smooth muscle cells and the expression of proto-oncogene c-fos and c-myc.

    • Effects of L-Arginine Shortly Infusion on Blood Pressure

      1996, 4(2):122-124.

      Abstract (1030) HTML (0) PDF 2.48 M (843) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We observed the effects of intravenous administration of L-arginine on plasma concentration of L-arginine and blood pressure in 15 patients with essential hypertension and 14 normotensive control subjects.Intravenous administrate of L-arginine increased the plasma concentration of L-arginine and decreased mean blood pressure in both groups. There results suggest the effects of exogenous L-arginine supplementation on mean blood pressure are similar in the two groups.

    • Effect of Kechuan Inhalation on Bloodfat, Liver-fat and Blood-sugar in Rat and Mouse

      1996, 4(2):125-127.

      Abstract (1181) HTML (0) PDF 2.37 M (1213) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate pharmacological mechanism of Kechuan inhalation(KCI),the effcts of Kechuan inhalation on blood-fat,liver-fat and blood-sugar in the rats and the mice were studied in this paper. The results showed that after inhaling drug-gas of Kechuan inhalation,the level of serum triglyceride and total cholesterol were decreased considerably in mice,at the same time,the increase of triglyceride induced by high lipid diet in liver of mice were inhibited significantly.In addition,the level fatty liver of hepatic homogenization triglyceride in rats with induced by DL-ethionine was lowered obviously by inhaling drug-gas of Kechuan inhalation. These results suggest that Kechuan inhalation maybe a role of reducing blood-fat and pretecting liver.

    • >临床经验
    • Effects of slow-releaxing Verapamin on the Hypertensive Hypertrophy of Left Ventricle of Heart as Compared with Nitredipine

      1996, 4(2):128-130.

      Abstract (1215) HTML (0) PDF 2.51 M (1046) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fifty-four cases with primary hyperten sive hypertrophy of left ventricle were randomly divided into two groups,one treated with slow-releaxing vera pamin,the other with nitredipine,The blood pressure,heart rate,cardiac function and thickness of left ventri cle were measured before and after treatment in both groups.In the group treated with slow-releaxing vera pamin,the blood pressure declined very significantly(P<0.01) ,heart rate declined (P<0.01),function of left ventricle improved (P<0.01)and hypertrophy of left ventricle reversed favourably(P<0.05).On the contrary only the blood pressure declined(P<0.01) and there were nothing improving in the other aspects in group treated with nitredipine (P>0.05).

    • Lipid-Regulating Effects of Low Dose of Lovastatin and Simvastatin

      1996, 4(2):131-133.

      Abstract (1382) HTML (0) PDF 2.33 M (913) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Low dose of the statin lipid regulating drugs,namely 10 mg daily dose of lovastatin of 5 daily dose of simvastatin was given to 28 cases with primary hypercholesterolmia.The results showed after 2 weeks and 4 weeks of treatment the levels of serum total cholesterol(TC) decreased 21.4%(P< 0.05) and 30.4%(P< 05),respectively; and the levels of lowdensi ty lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC) decreased 36.3% (P< 0.05) and 52.9% (P<0. 05) respectively,and high-den sity lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) increased 15.5%(P <0. 05) and 28.3%(P<0. 05) ,respectively. Although the levels of triglyceride (TG) also decreased greatly after treatment but didn’t differ from the basic value significantly,only epigastric distress occured in one patient. The data demonstrated the low dose of statin lipid regulating drugs could decrease TC concentration and increase HDLC concentration remarkably within a period of short time and the incidence of side effects was very low. It is worthwhile to recommend spread use clinically.

    • >方法技术
    • Isolation, Purification and Characterization of Human serum Apolipoprotein AI

      1996, 4(2):136-139.

      Abstract (1184) HTML (0) PDF 3.48 M (938) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Apolipoprotein AI(apo AI) was separated and purified from human serum by precipitation with dextran sulphate 500(DS 500), density gradient zonal ultracentrifugation,delipidation and Sephadex G150 gel permeation chromatography.Identifying by SDS-posyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)and analytical islelectric focusing (IEF),the purified apo AI shows only one band on SDS-PAGE, and the molecular weight is 28 180. With DS 500 sedimentation,this method saves time for ultracentrifugation,which is much valuable for large-amount purification of apo AI.

    • Expression Levels of Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor mRNA in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells from Patients with Hyperchol esterol emia and Coronary Heart Disease by Reverse Transcription-polymerase Chain Reaction Procedure

      1996, 4(2):142-144.

      Abstract (1109) HTML (0) PDF 2.79 M (914) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Low density lipoprotein receptor(LDLR) mRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMC) belong to low abundance expression and is difficult to detect.This study found that using the reverse transcription(RT)-polymerase chain reaction(PCR)procedure for semiquantitative determinating expression levels of LDLR gene is a highly sensitive and specific,and gives a convinient and necessary method for clinical studying expression levels of LDLR gene in PBMC from patients with hypercholesterolemia and coronary heart disease.

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