Abstract:Aim To investigate the influence of cell-modifiedlow density lipoprotein(cm-LDL) on scavenger recep-tors and low density lipoprotein receptors (LDLR ),meanwhile the effect of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) wasstudied.Methods The receptor activity was detected bymeans of immunocytochemistry and bitin avidin-en-zyme linked immunosorbent assay(BA-ELISA), usingcultured murine peritoneal macrophages and murineskin fibroblasts as models.Results 1. The scavenger receptor activity onmacrophages increased in cm-LDL group, showingheavy brown granules in the membrane and cytoplasmof enlarged cells, while in PGE2 group, most cellswere mildly stained and in control group stained weak-ly. 2. The binding amount of LDL to LDLR on fi-broblasts showed that it markedly decreased in cm-LDL group (54±13 μg/g cell protein ) compared withwhich in control group (144± 8μg/g cell protein), p<0. 01 ; and significantly enhanced in PGE, group (100± 11μg/g cell protein), versus which in cm-LDLgroup, p<0. 05..Conclusion The findings suggested that cm-LDLstimulated scavenger receptor and inhibited LDLR,PGE2 (20 mg/L) markedly inhibited scavenger recep-tor activity and protected the LDLR against the injuryof oxidized LDL.